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Elsevier journals scopus indexed

Elsevier journals scopus indexed

Elsevier journals scopus indexed

 E-ISSN P-ISSN Source Title                                          
2211-3843 : 2211-3835 : Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
2214-8604 : 0000-0000 : Additive Manufacturing
1568-5527 : 0921-8831 : Advanced Powder Technology
2212-9596 : 2212-9588 : Advances in Integrative Medicine
2452-316X : 0000-0000 : Agriculture and Natural Resources
1440-1592 : 1323-8930 : Allergology International
1552-5279 : 1552-5260 : Alzheimer's and Dementia
2352-8729 : 0000-0000 : Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring

2352-5568 : 0000-0000 : Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain Medicine
2214-1812 : 0000-0000 : Analytical Chemistry Research
2049-0801 : 0000-0000 : Annals of Medicine and Surgery
1095-8304 : 0195-6663 : Appetite
1873-3875 : 0926-860X : Applied Catalysis A: General
1873-3883 : 0926-3373 : Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
2210-8327 : 0000-0000 : Applied Computing and Informatics
1873-5649 : 0096-3003 : Applied Mathematics and Computation
2352-5134 : 0000-0000 : Aquaculture Reports
1879-1514 : 0166-445X : Aquatic Toxicology
2090-5998 : 2090-598X : Arab Journal of Urology
2352-2267 : 0000-0000 : Archaeological Research in Asia
2405-5808 : 0000-0000 : Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
1523-6536 : 1083-8791 : Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
2320-2890 : 2319-4170 : Biomedical Journal
2215-017X : 0000-0000 : Biotechnology Reports
2213-0586 : 0000-0000 : Burnout Research
2214-9112 : 0000-0000 : Case Reports in Women's Health
2214-398X : 0000-0000 : Case Studies in Fire Safety
2351-9886 : 0000-0000 : Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
2045-9769 : 0000-0000 : Cell Regeneration
1878-0016 : 1755-5817 : CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology
2212-0963 : 0000-0000 : Climate Risk Management
2213-3984 : 0000-0000 : Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health
2376-9998 : 0000-0000 : Clinical Mass Spectrometry
2405-5875 : 0000-0000 : Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology
2215-0382 : 0000-0000 : Colloids and Interface Science Communications
1531-4332 : 1095-6433 : Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology
2352-2143 : 0000-0000 : Computational Condensed Matter
2451-9111 : 2451-9103 : Current Opinion in Electrochemistry
2214-5753 : 2214-5745 : Current Opinion in Insect Science
2468-2020 : 0000-0000 : Current Opinion in Toxicology
2214-6628 : 0000-0000 : Current Plant Biology
1432-0436 : 0301-4681 : Differentiation; Research in Biological Diversity
1385-013X : 0012-821X : Earth and Planetary Science Letters
2352-3964 : 0000-0000 : EBioMedicine
2452-3062 : 0000-0000 : Econometrics and Statistics
0313-5926 : 0000-0000 : Economic Analysis and Policy
1878-0040 : 1755-4586 : Emotion, Space and Society
1873-6181 : 0140-9883 : Energy Economics
2405-8297 : 0000-0000 : Energy Storage Materials
2405-6502 : 0000-0000 : eNeurologicalSci
2215-0986 : 0000-0000 : Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal
2215-1532 : 0000-0000 : Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management
2213-3232 : 0000-0000 : Epilepsy and Behavior Case Reports
1421-993X : 0302-2838 : European Urology
2214-790X : 0000-0000 : Extractive Industries and Society
1544-6131 : 1544-6123 : Finance Research Letters
2452-2627 : 0000-0000 : FlatChem
2095-2635 : 0000-0000 : Frontiers of Architectural Research
2213-1809 : 2213-1795 : Gastrointestinal Intervention
2341-4545 : 0000-0000 : GE Portuguese Journal of Gastroenterology
2352-4065 : 0000-0000 : Gene Reports
2352-3042 : 0000-0000 : Genes and Diseases
2351-9894 : 0000-0000 : Global Ecology and Conservation
2352-5789 : 0000-0000 : Gynecologic Oncology Reports
2213-0772 : 2213-0764 : Healthcare
1444-2892 : 1443-9506 : Heart Lung and Circulation
2405-8440 : 0000-0000 : Heliyon
1618-1301 : 0018-442X : HOMO- Journal of Comparative Human Biology
2352-9067 : 0000-0000 : IJC Heart and Vasculature
2212-0025 : 2212-0017 : Indian Journal of Transplantation
2214-3173 : 0000-0000 : Information Processing in Agriculture
1572-3461 : 0020-1383 : Injury
1873-7935 : 0160-2896 : Intelligence
1873-4731 : 0888-613X : International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1618-0607 : 1438-4221 : International Journal of Medical Microbiology
2092-6790 : 2092-6782 : International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
1878-1292 : 1878-1241 : International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing
1879-9817 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Paleopathology
1743-9159 : 1743-9191 : International Journal of Surgery
2212-6104 : 2212-6090 : International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment
2405-8181 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of the Cardiovascular Academy
2352-6475 : 0000-0000 : International Journal of Women's Dermatology
2214-7829 : 0000-0000 : Internet Interventions
2211-5595 : 2211-5587 : Journal of Acute Medicine
1883-2148 : 1880-4276 : Journal of Arrhythmia
0976-2809 : 0975-9476 : Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
2214-6369 : 2214-6350 : Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
1347-4421 : 1389-1723 : Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering
2352-7102 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Building Engineering
2214-6237 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology
2214-6245 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology: Case Reports
2288-5048 : 2288-4300 : Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
1879-176X : 0300-5712 : Journal of Dentistry
2352-152X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Energy Storage
2210-6014 : 2210-6006 : Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health
2352-6181 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Ethnic Foods
1931-6283 : 1557-5063 : Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine
1879-4076 : 1879-4068 : Journal of Geriatric Oncology
2093-4947 : 1226-8453 : Journal of Ginseng Research
2468-7847 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction
1600-0641 : 0168-8278 : Journal of Hepatology
1839-5260 : 1447-6770 : Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
2214-5818 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies
1876-035X : 1876-0341 : Journal of Infection and Public Health
2352-2216 : 2352-2208 : Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
2212-6821 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Marine and Island Cultures
1553-4669 : 1553-4650 : Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology
2352-3859 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Nutrition and Intermediary Metabolism
2212-4276 : 2212-4268 : Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research
1436-2023 : 0949-2658 : Journal of Orthopaedic Science
0972-978X : 0000-0000 : Journal of Orthopaedics
2210-4925 : 2210-4917 : Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation
1347-8648 : 1347-8613 : Journal of Pharmacological Sciences
2468-2179 : 2468-2284 : Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices
2213-2961 : 2095-2546 : Journal of Sport and Health Science
2468-7855 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2213-1574 : 1815-3852 : Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences
2214-1405 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Transport and Health
1527-3792 : 0022-5347 : Journal of Urology
2468-4287 : 0000-0000 : Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases and Innovative Techniques
2214-5532 : 2214-5524 : Life Sciences in Space Research
1872-6135 : 0024-3841 : Lingua
1873-0191 : 0928-4931 : Materials Science and Engineering C
1873-4103 : 1369-7021 : Materials Today
2468-080X : 2468-2047 : Matter and Radiation at Extremes
1364-551X : 0959-9436 : Mendeleev Communications
2214-0301 : 0000-0000 : Metabolic Engineering Communications
1873-4065 : 0026-0657 : Metal Powder Report
2215-0161 : 0000-0000 : MethodsX
1096-1208 : 0882-4010 : Microbial Pathogenesis
2352-3522 : 0000-0000 : Microbial Risk Analysis
2468-7812 : 2468-8630 : Musculoskeletal Science and Practice
1618-2545 : 1340-3540 : Mycoscience
1549-9642 : 1549-9634 : Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine
2352-507X : 0000-0000 : Nano-Structures and Nano-Objects
1476-5586 : 1522-8002 : Neoplasia
2352-2895 : 0000-0000 : Neurobiology of Stress
2214-7845 : 0000-0000 : Neuroepigenetics
1384-1092 : 1384-1076 : New Astronomy
2052-2975 : 0000-0000 : New Microbes and New Infections
2352-9008 : 0000-0000 : NursingPlus Open
1590-3729 : 0939-4753 : Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
1463-5011 : 1463-5003 : Ocean Modelling
2352-7714 : 0000-0000 : One Health
2214-7160 : 0000-0000 : Operations Research Perspectives
1549-4713 : 0161-6420 : Ophthalmology
1896-3757 : 1230-3402 : Opto-electronics Review
2214-5419 : 0000-0000 : Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases
1873-5282 : 0030-4387 : Orbis
1424-3911 : 1424-3903 : Pancreatology
2405-8521 : 0000-0000 : Papillomavirus Research
1880-3997 : 0917-2394 : Pediatric Dental Journal
2299-5684 : 1734-1140 : Pharmacological Reports
1569-4429 : 1569-4410 : Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications
2352-4073 : 0000-0000 : Plant Gene
2352-5517 : 0000-0000 : Practical Laboratory Medicine
2351-9789 : 0000-0000 : Procedia Manufacturing
2212-540X : 0000-0000 : Propulsion and Power Research
2352-4855 : 0000-0000 : Regional Studies in Marine Science
2352-9385 : 0000-0000 : Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
2211-2863 : 0000-0000 : Results in Pharma Sciences
2211-3797 : 0000-0000 : Results in Physics
2405-4283 : 0000-0000 : Reviews in Physics
0048-7619 : 1852-9992 : Revista Argentina de Radiologia
1988-561X : 1699-8855 : Revista Espanola de Patologia
2007-2872 : 0000-0000 : Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion Superior
2007-1523 : 0000-0000 : Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios
2452-2198 : 0000-0000 : Rhizosphere
2093-7997 : 2093-7911 : Safety and Health at Work
2352-0043 : 2352-0035 : Saudi Journal for Dental Research
2095-9281 : 2095-9273 : Science Bulletin
2214-1804 : 0000-0000 : Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research
2352-7110 : 0000-0000 : SoftwareX
1026-9185 : 0000-0000 : South African Journal of Chemical Engineering
2352-5541 : 0000-0000 : Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
2214-9937 : 2214-9929 : Sustainable Materials and Technologies
2352-5509 : 0000-0000 : Sustainable Production and Consumption
1557-3087 : 1557-2013 : Teaching and Learning in Nursing
2352-4642 : 0000-0000 : The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health
2542-5196 : 0000-0000 : The Lancet Planetary Health
2095-0349 : 0000-0000 : Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters
1877-9603 : 1877-959X : Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
0167-7640 : 0968-0004 : Trends in Biochemical Sciences
1471-4981 : 1471-4906 : Trends in Immunology
1358-8745 : 0264-410X : Vaccine
2405-9390 : 0000-0000 : Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports
2214-6695 : 0000-0000 : Virology Reports
2212-4284 : 0000-0000 : Water Resources and Economics
2212-3717 : 0000-0000 : Water Resources and Industry
2468-3124 : 0000-0000 : Water Security
2212-9774 : 0000-0000 : Wine Economics and Policy


Table of contents