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Scopus Indexed Environmental Science Journals

Scopus Indexed Environmental Science Journals

Scopus Indexed Environmental Science Journals

E-ISSN          P-ISSN            Source Title                         
1844-9166 : 1844-8143 : AACL Bioflux
1572-8358 : 0001-5342 : Acta Biotheoretica
1936-7317 : 1936-6612 : Advanced Science Letters
1998-1066 : 1995-0756 : Advances in Environmental Biology
1687-9317 : 1687-9309 : Advances in Meteorology
1521-7388 : 0278-6826 : Aerosol Science and Technology
1773-0155 : 1774-0746 : Agronomy for Sustainable Development
1547-5905 : 0001-1541 : AICHE Journal
1873-9326 : 1873-9318 : Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health
2162-3228 : 2162-321X : American Academic and Scholarly Research Journal
1469-1795 : 1367-9430 : Animal Conservation
2065-2445 : 1844-8135 : Annals of Forest Research
1297-966X : 1286-4560 : Annals of Forest Science
1432-0592 : 0570-1864 : Annals of Regional Science
1545-2050 : 1543-5938 : Annual Review of Environment and Resources
1098-5336 : 0099-2240 : Applied and Environmental Microbiology
1873-3883 : 0926-3373 : Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
1785-0037 : 1589-1623 : Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
1533-0389 : 1533-015X : Applied Environmental Education and Communication
1866-928X : 1866-9298 : Applied Geomatics
1869-7534 : 1869-215X : Aquaculture Environment Interactions
1365-7313 : 1365-7305 : Aquaculture, Economics and Management
1099-0755 : 1052-7613 : Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
1539-4077 : 1463-4988 : Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management
1818-5487 : 1798-6540 : Aquatic Invasions
1996-7292 : 1675-5427 : Aquatic Mammals
1420-9055 : 1015-1621 : Aquatic Sciences
1866-7538 : 1866-7511 : Arabian Journal of Geosciences
1432-0703 : 0090-4341 : Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
1432-0738 : 0340-5761 : Archives of Toxicology
1872-8847 : 1872-8855 : Arthropod-Plant Interactions
1932-2143 : 1932-2135 : Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering
1712-6576 : 1712-6568 : Avian Conservation and Ecology
1437-0980 : 1715-5445 : Bauphysik
1572-9729 : 0923-9820 : Biodegradation
1572-9710 : 0960-3115 : Biodiversity and Conservation
1029-2454 : 0892-7014 : Biofouling
1573-515X : 0168-2563 : Biogeochemistry
1573-1464 : 1387-3547 : Biological Invasions
1313-2652 : 1313-2644 : BioRisk
1474-0001 : 0959-2709 : Bird Conservation International
1542-9741 : 1542-9733 : Birth Defects Research Part B - Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology
1777-5760 : 0006-579X : Bois et Forets des Tropiques
1432-0800 : 0007-4861 : Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
1522-9602 : 0092-8240 : Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1099-0836 : 0964-4733 : Business Strategy and the Environment
1777-5949 : 1166-7699 : Cahiers/Agricultures
1208-6037 : 0045-5067 : Canadian Journal of Forest Research
1548-3290 : 1045-5752 : Capitalism, Nature, Socialism
1573-6822 : 0742-2091 : Cell Biology and Toxicology
1864-564X : 1864-5631 : ChemSusChem
1756-5537 : 1756-5529 : Climate and Development
1814-9332 : 1814-9324 : Climate of the Past
1814-9359 : 1814-9340 : Climate of the Past Discussions
1616-1572 : 0936-577X : Climate Research
1573-1480 : 0165-0009 : Climatic Change
1934-8398 : 1068-364X : Coke and Chemistry
1523-1739 : 0888-8892 : Conservation Biology
1995-4263 : 1995-4255 : Contemporary Problems of Ecology
1535-3966 : 1535-3958 : Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
1994-0424 : 1994-0416 : Cryosphere
1994-0440 : 1994-0432 : Cryosphere Discussions
1477-0881 : 1474-4740 : Cultural Geographies
1944-3986 : 1944-3994 : Desalination and Water Treatment
1467-7679 : 0950-6764 : Development Policy Review
1525-6014 : 0148-0545 : Drug and Chemical Toxicology
1942-7611 : 1942-7603 : Drug Testing and Analysis
2073-1558 : 2073-106X : Eco.mont
1936-0592 : 1936-0584 : Ecohydrology
1667-782X : 0327-5477 : Ecologia Austral
1543-4079 : 1543-4060 : Ecological Restoration
1882-5974 : 1344-3755 : Ecology and Civil Engineering
1543-5237 : 0367-0244 : Ecology of Food and Nutrition
1972-4950 : 1125-1263 : Economia delle Fonti di Energia e dell'Ambiente
1468-0327 : 0266-4658 : Economic Policy
2280-7667 : 2280-7659 : Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment
1435-0629 : 1432-9840 : Ecosystems
1573-3017 : 0963-9292 : Ecotoxicology
1090-2414 : 0147-6513 : Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
1613-4796 : 1863-5407 : Endangered Species Research
1618-2863 : 1618-0240 : Engineering in Life Sciences
1469-4395 : 1355-770X : Environment and Development Economics
2194-5411 : 2194-5403 : Environment Systems & Decisions
1573-2975 : 1387-585X : Environment, Development and Sustainability
1573-3009 : 1352-8505 : Environmental and Ecological Statistics
1635-7930 : 1635-7922 : Environmental Biosafety Research
1547-657X : 1040-6026 : Environmental Claims Journal
1469-4387 : 0376-8929 : Environmental Conservation
2005-968X : 1226-1025 : Environmental Engineering Research
1573-1510 : 1567-7419 : Environmental Fluid Mechanics
1527-5930 : 1527-5922 : Environmental Forensics
1573-2983 : 0269-4042 : Environmental Geochemistry and Health
1526-0984 : 1075-9565 : Environmental Geosciences
1937-5174 : 1939-4071 : Environmental Justice
1432-1009 : 0364-152X : Environmental Management
1573-2967 : 1420-2026 : Environmental Modeling and Assessment
1573-2959 : 0167-6369 : Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
1096-0953 : 0013-9351 : Environmental Research
1208-6053 : 1181-8700 : Environmental Reviews
1520-5851 : 0013-936X : Environmental Science and Technology
2190-4715 : 2190-4707 : Environmental Sciences Europe
1522-7278 : 1520-4081 : Environmental Toxicology
1573-2991 : 0251-1088 : Environmentalist
1099-095X : 1180-4009 : Environmetrics
1535-5306 : 1085-6633 : Ethics and the Environment
2155-0093 : 2155-0085 : Ethics, Policy and Environmnet
2116-7214 : 1964-8189 : European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
1473-3269 : 1461-6718 : European Journal of Housing Policy
2279-7254 : - : Europen Journal of Remote Sensing
1572-9702 : 0168-8162 : Experimental and Applied Acarology
1467-2979 : 1467-2960 : Fish and Fisheries
1095-9947 : 1050-4648 : Fish and Shellfish Immunology
1365-2400 : 0969-997X : Fisheries Management and Ecology
1982-4688 : 1538-3826 : Floresta
1944-0057 : 1944-0049 : Food Additives and Contaminants - Part A Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure and Risk Assessment
1439-0329 : 1437-4781 : Forest Pathology
2158-0715 : 2158-0103 : Forest Science and Technology
1993-0372 : 1008-1321 : Forestry Studies in China
2161-9565 : 2161-9549 : Freshwater Sciences
2095-221X : 2095-2201 : Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering
1673-7520 : 1673-7415 : Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China
0717-6643 : 0016-5301 : Gayana - Botanica
1757-1707 : 1757-1693 : GCB Bioenergy
1880-7062 : 1880-7046 : Genes and Environment
1472-4669 : 1472-4677 : Geobiology
2248-2776 : 1224-6808 : Geo-Eco-Marina
1867-2485 : 1867-2477 : Geoheritage
1432-1157 : 0276-0460 : Geo-Marine Letters
1521-0529 : 0149-0451 : Geomicrobiology Journal
2166-3394 : 1226-9328 : Geosystem Engineering
1365-2486 : 1354-1013 : Global Change Biology
1758-5899 : 1758-5880 : Global Policy
1469-798X : 1360-0826 : Global Society
1365-2494 : 0142-5242 : Grass and Forage Science
1463-9270 : 1463-9262 : Green Chemistry
1751-7192 : 1751-8253 : Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews
1468-2257 : 0017-4815 : Growth and Change
1432-1165 : 1430-483X : Grundwasser
1477-0911 : 0959-6836 : Holocene
1466-1810 : 0267-3037 : Housing Studies
1549-7860 : 1080-7039 : Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (HERA)
1533-158X : 1087-1209 : Human Dimensions of Wildlife
2155-3874 : 2155-3858 : Human-Wildlife Interactions
0375-8990 : 0018-8166 : Hydrobiological Journal
1099-1085 : 0885-6087 : Hydrological Processes
1474-919X : 0019-1019 : Ibis
1095-9289 : 1054-3139 : ICES Journal of Marine Science
1751-9578 : 1751-956X : IET Intelligent Transport Systems
1471-5465 : 1461-5517 : Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal
0973-9130 : 0973-9122 : Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
1600-0668 : 0905-6947 : Indoor Air
1988-3234 : 2008-0883 : Informes de la Construccion
1091-7691 : 0895-8378 : Inhalation Toxicology
2044-205X : 2044-2041 : Inland Waters
9740-0260 : 9736-6077 : International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences
2151-3740 : 2151-3732 : International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services and Management
1432-1254 : 0020-7128 : International Journal of Biometeorology
2067-8223 : 2067-533X : International Journal of Conservation Science
1741-8038 : 1475-3219 : International Journal of Critical Infrastructures
1687-9716 : 1687-9708 : International Journal of Ecology
0973-7308 : 0972-9984 : International Journal of Ecology and Development
2251-6832 : 2008-9163 : International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering
2150-363X : 2150-3621 : International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment
1743-4963 : 1743-4955 : International Journal of Environment and Health
1478-7466 : 1474-6778 : International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
1478-9868 : 1478-9876 : International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
1029-0397 : 0306-7319 : International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
1369-1619 : 0960-3123 : International Journal of Environmental Health Research
1660-4601 : 1661-7827 : International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
1029-0400 : 0020-7233 : International Journal of Environmental Studies
1741-511X : 1466-2132 : International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management
1687-8868 : 1687-885X : International Journal of Geophysics
1741-5136 : 1466-6650 : International Journal of Global Environmental Issues
1758-2091 : 1758-2083 : International Journal of Global Warming
2042-7816 : 2042-7808 : International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
0973-8363 : 0974-2816 : International Journal of Integrative Biology
1741-9190 : 1477-6545 : International Journal of Low Radiation
1571-8085 : 0927-3522 : International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law
1741-9204 : 1476-914X : International Journal of Nuclear Desalination
1549-7879 : 1522-6514 : International Journal of Phytoremediation
1464-3715 : 0953-8186 : International Journal of Refugee Law
1814-2060 : 1571-5124 : International Journal of River Basin Management
1947-8410 : 1947-8402 : International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development
1743-761X : 1743-7601 : International Journal of Substainable Development and Planning
1741-5268 : 0960-1406 : International Journal of Sustainable Development
1756-2546 : 1756-2538 : International Journal of Sustainable Society
1741-8194 : 1476-5667 : International Journal of Technology and Globalisation
1522-1970 : 1099-2340 : International Journal of Tourism Research
1946-3146 : 1946-3138 : International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development
1741-5322 : 1465-6620 : International Journal of Water
1360-0648 : 0790-0627 : International Journal of Water Resources Development
1932-1473 : 1932-1465 : International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics
0074-9664 : 1748-1090 : International Zoo Yearbook
1755-1315 : 1755-1307 : IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
1432-1319 : 0342-7188 : Irrigation Science
1465-1874 : 1350-7583 : Issues in Environmental Science and Technology
2035-5688 : 1825-6635 : Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment
1862-0019 : 9496-6181 : Journal for East European Management Studies
1471-0366 : 1471-0358 : Journal of Agrarian Change
1537-2693 : 1085-7117 : Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
1545-0805 : 1045-4438 : Journal of Applied Aquaculture
1365-2664 : 0021-8901 : Journal of Applied Ecology
1095-922X : 0140-1963 : Journal of Arid Environments
1573-0662 : 0167-7764 : Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
1099-0461 : 1095-6670 : Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
1365-2699 : 0305-0270 : Journal of Biogeography
1751-3766 : 1751-3758 : Journal of Biological Dynamics
1110-7251 : 1110-7243 : Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology
1551-5036 : 0749-0208 : Journal of Coastal Research
1468-5973 : 0966-0879 : Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
1365-2745 : 0022-0477 : Journal of Ecology
1990-5432 : 1810-2328 : Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
1687-9813 : 1687-9805 : Journal of Environmental and Public Health
1096-0449 : 0095-0696 : Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
1881-817X : 1348-0685 : Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan)
2052-336X : - : Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering
1684-8799 : 1726-2135 : Journal of Environmental Informatics
1464-374X : 0952-8873 : Journal of Environmental Law
1095-8630 : 0301-4797 : Journal of Environmental Management
1464-0333 : 1464-0325 : Journal of Environmental Monitoring
1360-0559 : 0964-0568 : Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
1522-7200 : 1523-908X : Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning
1532-4117 : 1093-4529 : Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering
1532-4109 : 0360-1234 : Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes
1532-4095 : 1059-0501 : Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part C Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews
1541-3802 : 0047-2433 : Journal of Environmental Systems
1559-064X : 1559-0631 : Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology
1742-2140 : 1742-2132 : Journal of Geophysics and Engineering
1943-4618 : 1552-6100 : Journal of Green Building
2245-4586 : 1904-4720 : Journal of Green Engineering
2153-5515 : 2153-5493 : Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste
1347-5207 : 1344-9702 : Journal of Health Science
1530-9290 : 1088-1980 : Journal of Industrial Ecology
1572-9753 : 1366-638X : Journal of Insect Conservation
1548-1476 : 1388-0292 : Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
1556-1828 : 1556-4894 : Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
1545-1542 : 0022-2372 : Journal of Mammalogy
1029-0427 : 1061-026X : Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering
1611-8227 : 1438-4957 : Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
1993-0321 : 1672-6316 : Journal of Mountain Science
1939-0467 : 1939-0459 : Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research
1349-0923 : 1348-589X : Journal of Pesticide Sciences
1464-3774 : 0142-7873 : Journal of Plankton Research
1752-993X : 1752-9921 : Journal of Plant Ecology
1572-8900 : 1566-2543 : Journal of Polymers and the Environment
1469-7815 : 0143-814X : Journal of Public Policy
1361-6498 : 0952-4746 : Journal of Radiological Protection
1467-9787 : 0022-4146 : Journal of Regional Science
1469-7823 : 0047-2794 : Journal of Social Policy
1540-756X : 1054-9811 : Journal of Sustainable Forestry
1948-108X : 1948-0881 : Journal of the Indian Ocean Region
1087-2620 : 1528-7394 : Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A
1521-6950 : 1093-7404 : Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part B: Critical Reviews
1547-5786 : 1547-5778 : Journal of Transnational Management
1605-3974 : 1606-9935 : Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA
1754-9965 : 1754-9957 : Journal of World Energy Law and Business
1440-1770 : 1320-5331 : Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management
1099-145X : 1085-3278 : Land Degradation and Development
1860-188X : 1860-1871 : Landscape and Ecological Engineering
1572-9761 : 0921-2973 : Landscape Ecology
1553-2704 : 0277-2426 : Landscape Journal
1469-9710 : 0142-6397 : Landscape Research
1521-0588 : 0149-0400 : Leisure Sciences
1439-863X : 1439-8621 : Limnology
1539-6088 : 1539-607X : Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin
1469-6711 : 1354-9839 : Local Environment
1432-1793 : 0025-3162 : Marine Biology
1439-0485 : 0173-9565 : Marine Ecology
1616-1599 : 0171-8630 : Marine Ecology - Progress Series
1521-4176 : 0043-2822 : Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion
1791-6763 : 1108-393X : Mediterranean Marine Science
1432-184X : 0095-3628 : Microbial Ecology
1616-1068 : 1025-9112 : Mine Water and the Environment
1573-1596 : 1381-2386 : Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
1934-791X : 9639-3925 : Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
1464-3804 : 0267-8357 : Mutagenesis
1469-9907 : 1460-8944 : National Identities
1439-0515 : 0172-1631 : Natur und Recht
1573-0840 : 0921-030X : Natural Hazards
1758-6798 : 1758-678X : Nature Climate Change
1548-8675 : 0275-5947 : North American Journal of Fisheries Management
1521-0642 : 0090-8320 : Ocean Development and International Law
1365-3008 : 0030-6053 : Oryx
1460-2121 : 0266-903X : Oxford Review of Economic Policy
1547-6545 : 0191-9512 : Ozone: Science and Engineering
1746-5109 : 1746-5095 : Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material
1611-2504 : 1611-2490 : Paddy and Water Environment
2221-7630 : 1727-4915 : Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
1867-1608 : 1867-1594 : Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
1435-5957 : 1056-8190 : Papers in Regional Science
1090-9966 : 0735-9462 : Park Science
1095-9939 : 0048-3575 : Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
1086-3303 : 1071-6076 : Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology
1573-5052 : 1385-0237 : Plant Ecology
1755-1668 : 1755-0874 : Plant Ecology and Diversity
1442-1984 : 0913-557X : Plant Species Biology
1553-7358 : 1553-734X : PLoS Computational Biology
1475-3057 : 0032-2474 : Polar Record
1573-0891 : 0032-2687 : Policy Sciences
1541-0072 : 0190-292X : Policy Studies Journal
1573-7829 : 0167-5923 : Population Research and Policy Review
1747-6534 : 1747-6526 : Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management
1744-3598 : 0957-5820 : Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B
1478-8764 : 1476-8917 : Progress in Industrial Ecology
1938-9728 : 1938-971X : Psychological Injury and Law
1989-9386 : 2171-1976 : Psyecology
1432-2099 : 0301-634X : Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
1360-0591 : 0034-3404 : Regional Studies
1520-6831 : 1051-5658 : Remediation
1526-100X : 1061-2971 : Restoration Ecology
1467-9388 : 0962-8797 : Review of European Community and International Environmental Law
2050-0394 : 2050-0386 : Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law
1541-1338 : 1541-132X : Review of Policy Research
0717-6317 : 0716-078X : Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
2176-9168 : 1981-9951 : Revista em Agronegocio e Meio Ambiente
1535-1467 : 1535-1459 : River Research and Applications
1993-3819 : 1993-3800 : Sapiens
1471-5430 : 0302-3427 : Science and Public Policy
1869-1889 : 1674-7305 : Science China Life Sciences
1777-5922 : 1147-7806 : Science et Changements Planetaires - Secheresse
1816-1502 : 1816-1499 : Social Geography Discussions
1521-0723 : 0894-1920 : Society and Natural Resources
2075-1141 : 2074-9546 : Soil and Environment
1549-7887 : 1532-0383 : Soil and Sediment Contamination
1573-9279 : 0038-0741 : Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
1475-2743 : 0266-0032 : Soil Use and Management
1436-3259 : 1436-3240 : Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
1546-0126 : 1048-5236 : Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment
1842-7863 : 1584-2363 : Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiintele Vietii
1880-6465 : 2876-6256 : Studies in Regional Science
1937-0709 : 1937-0695 : Sustainability
1862-4057 : 1862-4065 : Sustainability Science
1364-5528 : 0003-2654 : The Analyst
1029-0486 : 0277-2248 : Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry
1477-0393 : 0748-2337 : Toxicology and Industrial Health
1537-6524 : 1537-6516 : Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods
1556-9551 : 1556-9543 : Toxin Reviews
1740-0716 : 1479-8751 : Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: InternationalJournal of Maritime Engineering
1825-229X : - : Transitional Waters Bulletin
1303-6173 : 1300-011X : Turk Tarim ve Ormancilik Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
1303-6157 : 1300-0160 : Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
1360-063X : 0042-0980 : Urban Studies
1744-9006 : 1573-062X : Urban Water Journal
1877-265X : 1877-2641 : Waste and Biomass Valorization
1096-3669 : 0734-242X : Waste Management and Research
1877-7244 : 1877-7236 : Water History
1876-1666 : 1876-1658 : Water Quality, Exposure and Health
1608-344X : 0097-8078 : Water Resources
1573-1650 : 0920-4741 : Water Resources Management
1573-2932 : 0049-6979 : Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
1948-8335 : 1948-8327 : Weather, Climate, and Society
1572-9834 : 0923-4861 : Wetlands Ecology and Management
1646-2742 : 1646-1509 : Wildlife Biology in Practice
2041-840X : 2041-8396 : Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment
1757-7799 : 1757-7780 : WIREs Climate Change
2165-8013 : 2165-8005 : Zoology and Ecology



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